Survey Says...
To understand how users shop, a survey was sent to published to Instagram asking followers about their habits. While multiple questions were asked, we primarily wanted to know what they do when first entering an online store.
To understand how users shop, a survey was sent to published to Instagram asking followers about their habits. While multiple questions were asked, we primarily wanted to know what they do when first entering an online store.
Sections were created highlighting new, sale, and featured items. The idea was to separate new items/collections as well as show older, hidden items that are already for-sale on the site.
As shown in the test, we are already seeing an increase in the clicks for the latest drop. The website has not been updated yet, we can expect for more users to browse the latest drops and sell more new items.
The next steps are to introduce categories for brands and types of clothing. While some vintage brand are more sought after, they might not be of utmost importance to the majority of customers.